About Us
Dedicated to providing the highest quality service for every one of our clients across Dublin 1, Dublin 7 and Dublin 15.
Providing care in the community for over 21 years
Blanchardstown and Inner City Home Care Association CLG – BIC Home Care – is an organisation dedicated to providing a high quality service for our clients.
We have over 21 years of experience in providing care for the elderly and others with specific needs in our community, giving us a great deal of experience of supporting the needs of our clients in Dublin 1, Dublin 7 and Dublin 15.
We understand that providing home care involves more than the completion of tasks, we always make an effort to make our clients feel safe, independent and comfortable in their own homes.
Our team are all Garda vetted, fully insured and highly trained so clients and their families can be sure of the high standards of service they have come to expect from us.
Our History
BIC Home Care has deep, long-standing roots within the North Dublin community.
Grounded In Community Volunteering
Founded initially as a community voluntary organisation, Blanchardstown and Inner City Home Care has deep roots in North Dublin. The service started with as a community of nuns who organised people from the local area to help the elderly in their own homes.
From those beginnings, BIC Homecare has grown into a modern organisation operating to the highest standards
Helping To Improve Quality Of Life
Our experienced and qualified team works closely with our clients to support their independence and safety, and to support them in achieving their goal of having a good quality of life while living in their own homes.

Blanchardstown and Inner City Home Care is a not-for-profit organisation, which means that we are here solely to benefit the people we serve.
We are a member of Dublin Home Care Partners, a group of not-for-profit home care providers, delivering services on behalf of the HSE across all of North Dublin City and County.
We are also a founding member of the NCCN (National Community Care Network), a national representative group of not-for-profit home care agencies.