Home Help Services
Supporting older people within Dublin 1, 7 and 15 to live confidently and independently in their own homes for as long as possible.
Our home help services allow our clients to live independently at home, supported by experienced, trained and vetted carers.
Through our home help services, our carers can assist you with light household tasks such as washing up, vacuuming, floor washing, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, making beds, putting away your grocery shopping, laundry care and more.
We are committed to supporting independent living – that means that we will assist you in the way that you prefer, not taking over and doing tasks that you would rather and can do yourself. We are here to help you thrive in your own home.
We are committed to supporting older people and people with specific needs in our community and we have extensive experience, gained over years of working with our clients and their families.
All our carers are Garda vetted
All of our carers are uniformed with ID badges
We use a comprehensive client assessment process
We apply stringent health & safety policies and procedures
Our recruitment procedures are rigorous
Our on-going staff training is comprehensive
All our carers have manual & patient handling certification
We regularly assess quality of care provided
We hold full employers public liability and P.I. insurance
We are a HSE approved provider

Personal Care Support
If you want to remain in your own home, with all the comfort and familiarity that this brings, then our team are here to support you.
Receiving home care will enable you or your loved one to be supported in living as independently as possible while having confidence that our professional and compassionate care team are there to assist you, in liaison with your health care team.

Blanchardstown and Inner City Home Care is a not-for-profit organisation, which means that we are here solely to benefit the people we serve.
We are a member of Dublin Home Care Partners, a group of not-for-profit home care providers, delivering services on behalf of the HSE across all of North Dublin City and County.
We are also a founding member of the NCCN (National Community Care Network), a national representative group of not-for-profit home care agencies.