Personal Care Support

We provide personal care support services for clients in Dublin 1, 7 and 15, allowing them to live independently at home, supported by our experienced, trained and vetted carers.

Our personal care support services allow our clients to live independently at home, supported by experienced, trained and vetted carers.

Personal Care Support 2 | BIC Home Care

Personal Care Support

If you want to remain in your own home, with all the comfort and familiarity that this brings, then our team are here to support you.

Receiving home care will enable you or your loved one to be supported in living as independently as possible while having confidence that our professional and compassionate care team are there to assist you, in liaison with your health care team.


Our carers will always treat you with dignity and respect, whether you are new to care or have had these services for many years. Includes washing, showering, bathing and oral hygiene.


Our carers can assist you with any transfers and with managing any incontinence issues. Our carers only remain in the bathroom at your request, or when it is deemed necessary for health and safety reasons.


Many people need support with dressing and undressing – ensuring that you are not in at risk of aggravating any injuries or conditions and making sure you are not in danger of tripping or falling.

Mobility and Transfer

Our carers can assist you with safe transfers using the appropriate moving aids, including hoisting. Whether you are using a profile bed, getting in or out of a shower or transferring to or from a chair or a wheelchair, out team will support you safely.

Meal Preparation

Our team can ensure your meal requirements are looked after, either preparing meals or heating them. We also keep an eye on use-by dates and can assist with any special dietary or preparation requirements like blending and adding thickening liquids.

Prompting Medication

Where medication is prescribed it is important to take it as per the instructions. Our carers provide non-medical care in your home and are not permitted to administer medication but will remind you to take your medication from blister packs on time.

Advanced Care

Where a person suffers a disease or condition that persists for more than six months this is referred to as a chronic condition.

A chronic condition can be well managed in a multi-disciplinary primary care setting, once the necessary supports are in place for the service user and their carers.

Our carers have extensive experience is dealing with high-dependency illnesses and can provide our clients with the expert help and support they need.

Personal Care Support 3 | BIC Home Care

Preparing for the day i.e. getting up, washed and dressed


Providing skin care and monitoring for skin breakdown


Pressure sore prevention / correct bed positioning


Hoisting (2 carers required) and transferring


Meal preparation


Incontinence care


Prompting and medication management


Assistance with daily exercise routines


Companionship and conversation




Home help services

We are committed to supporting older people and people with specific needs in our community and we have extensive experience, gained over years of working with our clients and their families.

All our carers are Garda vetted

All of our carers are uniformed with ID badges

We use a comprehensive client assessment process

We apply stringent health & safety policies and procedures

Our recruitment procedures are rigorous

Our on-going staff training is comprehensive 

All our carers have manual & patient handling certification

We regularly assess quality of care provided

We hold full employers public liability and P.I. insurance

We are a HSE approved provider

What To Expect

What can you expect when you engage with BIC Home Care?


Once you have been approved for home support, one of our dedicated care team will discuss your needs with you, arrange to visit your home and meet with you and your next of kin. This will normally take place within 2 working days.

Home Assessment

At this meeting we will carry out a home care assessment, including an environmental and medication risk assessment. This will identify your needs and preferences and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns you may have.

Your Care Plan

Once your assessment is complete, it forms the basis for your individual care plan. This care plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is up to date for you and that any changes are incorporate into your plan accordingly.

Meeting your Carer(s)

Once your care plan is complete, you will be introduced to your carer by the care supervisor. Carers are selected on the basis of their training, qualifications, experience and competence, as well as your own preferences.

Ongoing Support

Once your care service starts, your carer will complete a Journal at the end of each visit, which records all the tasks completed. This is available for your review, and for review by your next-of-kin. This report also provides for continuity of service from call to call.

Personal Care Support 4 | BIC Home Care
Dublin Home Care Partners - BIC Home Care
National Community Care Network - BIC Home Care


Blanchardstown and Inner City Home Care is a not-for-profit organisation, which means that we are here solely to benefit the people we serve.

We are a member of Dublin Home Care Partners, a group of not-for-profit home care providers, delivering services on behalf of the HSE across all of North Dublin City and County.

We are also a founding member of the NCCN (National Community Care Network), a national representative group of not-for-profit home care agencies.

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